Smart Elderly Care 24小時安全與健康自動巡房系統 & 智慧光纖照護薄墊

Smart Baby Care 新生兒安全與健康追蹤管理系統 & 智慧型聰明嬰兒床墊

Huijia has a non-invasive monitoring Smart Care System based on nFOPT® technology (Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology) with AI that can accurately track the first symptoms of the virus, including respiratory rate, heart rate, coughs, sleep quality, and many other vital signs. Even without a fever and in cases of comorbidity, smart care system can identify patients in the early stages of COVID-19 and remind that they may become serious. Only 2mm thin, Magical Optical Fiber Film does not need to be worn.You can place it under your pillow and bed cove. It has high-sensitivity and accuracy and creates no electromagnetic waves. It provides remote and 24hr monitoring, detection notifications, health reminders and long-term records.The reduced contact with patients also protects care providers and reduces waste of medical resources. About Huijia Huijia Health core technology- Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology (nFOPT®) and the Smart Care System use the principle of optical fiber reflection. There is no electromagnetic field change (no electromagnetic wave) in each action. It is a high-sensitivity and high-accuracy physiological sensor that can monitor changes in physiological activities such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep analysis, and movements. Product applications include smart (bed) pads, smart beds, smart wheelchair cushions, smart floor, smart assistive devices and smart care systems for taking care of elders and babies simultaneously. nFOPT® has won many international awards, including R&D 100 Awards, ECI Awards, APICTA Awards. It was developed 10 years ago and has been adopted in over 300 baby and elderly care centers by more than 100,000 users. There are more than 35 senior care centers and hospitals in Taiwan using our smart care system to prevent Covin-19.

Huijia has a non-invasive monitoring Smart Care System based on nFOPT® technology (Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology) with AI that can accurately track the first symptoms of the virus, including respiratory rate, heart rate, coughs, sleep quality, and many other vital signs. Even without a fever and in cases of comorbidity, smart care system can identify patients in the early stages of COVID-19 and remind that they may become serious. Only 2mm thin, Magical Optical Fiber Film does not need to be worn.You can place it under your pillow and bed cove. It has high-sensitivity and accuracy and creates no electromagnetic waves. It provides remote and 24hr monitoring, detection notifications, health reminders and long-term records.The reduced contact with patients also protects care providers and reduces waste of medical resources. About Huijia Huijia Health core technology- Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology (nFOPT®) and the Smart Care System use the principle of optical fiber reflection. There is no electromagnetic field change (no electromagnetic wave) in each action. It is a high-sensitivity and high-accuracy physiological sensor that can monitor changes in physiological activities such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep analysis, and movements. Product applications include smart (bed) pads, smart beds, smart wheelchair cushions, smart floor, smart assistive devices and smart care systems for taking care of elders and babies simultaneously. nFOPT® has won many international awards, including R&D 100 Awards, ECI Awards, APICTA Awards. It was developed 10 years ago and has been adopted in over 300 baby and elderly care centers by more than 100,000 users. There are more than 35 senior care centers and hospitals in Taiwan using our smart care system to prevent Covin-19.


滙嘉健康nFOPT®創新項目獲選為聯合國「2021 COVID-19 創新解決方案報告」之台灣顯著創新

滙嘉健康nFOPT®創新項目獲選為聯合國「2021 COVID-19 創新解決方案報告」之台灣顯著創新

而特別出版的COVID-19 Innovation Report 2021中前40名國家挑選3名顯著創新,共列入約120家顯著創新,在台灣入選30家機構和企業中,滙嘉健康因為自主研發的非侵入性光纖生理監測技術(nFOPT®)在抗疫中的特殊創新表現,公益不落人後與退輔會榮家榮院進行零接觸科技防疫超前佈署、提供新竹台大等多家醫院隔離病房遠端生理監控自動巡視,已超過45個機構導入作為智慧照護兼顧防疫,而被列入台灣顯著創新代表之一,與美國莫德納、嬌生、英國AZ等知名藥廠並列於報告中。