Smart Elderly Care 24小時安全與健康自動巡房系統 & 智慧光纖照護薄墊

Smart Baby Care 新生兒安全與健康追蹤管理系統 & 智慧型聰明嬰兒床墊

Huijia has a non-invasive monitoring Smart Care System based on nFOPT® technology (Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology) with AI that can accurately track the first symptoms of the virus, including respiratory rate, heart rate, coughs, sleep quality, and many other vital signs. Even without a fever and in cases of comorbidity, smart care system can identify patients in the early stages of COVID-19 and remind that they may become serious. Only 2mm thin, Magical Optical Fiber Film does not need to be worn.You can place it under your pillow and bed cove. It has high-sensitivity and accuracy and creates no electromagnetic waves. It provides remote and 24hr monitoring, detection notifications, health reminders and long-term records.The reduced contact with patients also protects care providers and reduces waste of medical resources. About Huijia Huijia Health core technology- Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology (nFOPT®) and the Smart Care System use the principle of optical fiber reflection. There is no electromagnetic field change (no electromagnetic wave) in each action. It is a high-sensitivity and high-accuracy physiological sensor that can monitor changes in physiological activities such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep analysis, and movements. Product applications include smart (bed) pads, smart beds, smart wheelchair cushions, smart floor, smart assistive devices and smart care systems for taking care of elders and babies simultaneously. nFOPT® has won many international awards, including R&D 100 Awards, ECI Awards, APICTA Awards. It was developed 10 years ago and has been adopted in over 300 baby and elderly care centers by more than 100,000 users. There are more than 35 senior care centers and hospitals in Taiwan using our smart care system to prevent Covin-19.

Huijia has a non-invasive monitoring Smart Care System based on nFOPT® technology (Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology) with AI that can accurately track the first symptoms of the virus, including respiratory rate, heart rate, coughs, sleep quality, and many other vital signs. Even without a fever and in cases of comorbidity, smart care system can identify patients in the early stages of COVID-19 and remind that they may become serious. Only 2mm thin, Magical Optical Fiber Film does not need to be worn.You can place it under your pillow and bed cove. It has high-sensitivity and accuracy and creates no electromagnetic waves. It provides remote and 24hr monitoring, detection notifications, health reminders and long-term records.The reduced contact with patients also protects care providers and reduces waste of medical resources. About Huijia Huijia Health core technology- Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology (nFOPT®) and the Smart Care System use the principle of optical fiber reflection. There is no electromagnetic field change (no electromagnetic wave) in each action. It is a high-sensitivity and high-accuracy physiological sensor that can monitor changes in physiological activities such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep analysis, and movements. Product applications include smart (bed) pads, smart beds, smart wheelchair cushions, smart floor, smart assistive devices and smart care systems for taking care of elders and babies simultaneously. nFOPT® has won many international awards, including R&D 100 Awards, ECI Awards, APICTA Awards. It was developed 10 years ago and has been adopted in over 300 baby and elderly care centers by more than 100,000 users. There are more than 35 senior care centers and hospitals in Taiwan using our smart care system to prevent Covin-19.


榮獲2021 APEC BEST AWARD「第四次工業革命」獎,創辦人楊淑貞為台灣唯一獲獎人

榮獲2021 APEC BEST AWARD「第四次工業革命」獎,創辦人楊淑貞為台灣唯一獲獎人

2021年APEC婦女與經濟論壇(APEC Women and the Economy Forum,WEF)周邊活動,由俄羅斯舉辦之亞太經濟合作會議傑出女性中小企業獎「APEC Business Efficiency And Success Target (BEST) Award」,11月3日線上舉行決賽與頒獎典禮。滙嘉健康創辦人楊淑貞因榮獲經濟部中小企業處女性創業飛雁計畫-2019年女性創業菁英獎優勝,進而受到關注,代表我國參與競賽,參賽項目「nFOPT®非侵入性光纖生理監測技術之AI智慧照護系統」 -AI Smart Care System with Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological monitoring Technology(nFOPT®)榮獲「第四次工業革命」獎(The 4-th industrial revolution project),展現在COVID-19疫情下,我國女性創業創新精神與最佳實踐,更讓我國在APEC國際舞台再次獲得高度聚焦的機會。

「APEC BEST AWARD」目的為邀請女性經營微中小型企業的成功範例,分享其在APEC經濟體及COVID-19疫情下發展包容性商業的方法,以提供女性企業主實質協助,鼓勵更多女性建立經營商業能力。透過各經濟體推薦女性經營微中小企業之最佳案例,以表彰女性經營者對於經濟發展之成就,樹立成功典範。主要目標是在 APEC 經濟體面臨挑戰和 COVID-19 威脅時,鼓勵更多女性創業、分享女性企業家和管理人員的最佳實踐,以幫助亞太經合組織成員經濟體更好地重建。 滙嘉健康董事長楊淑貞受邀擔任我國代表參與2021年APEC BEST Award競賽榮獲「第四次工業革命」獎。滙嘉健康並曾榮獲全球百大科技研發獎(R&D 100 Awards)、APICTA Awards、ECI Awards全場大獎、國家新創獎、國家醫療品質獎及防疫優選機構、Go Smart Award Finalist,逾300家婦產科、月子中心、托嬰中心、養護機構、失智家屋、啟智中心與醫院採用nFOPT®智慧照護薄墊與系統輔助照顧。世界經濟論壇(WEF)創辦人克勞斯·施瓦布(Klaus Martin Schwab)認為第四次工業革命中特別是生物科技的進步擾亂了每一個國家幾乎所有的產業,而這些改變的深度和廣度則帶來了整個生產、管理和治理系統的轉型,在第四次工業革命我們將看到具有高度擾亂潛力的新興科技大量運用。而滙嘉健康其獲獎項目「nFOPT®非侵入性光纖生理監測技術之AI智慧照護系統」,在不穿不戴任何裝置的情況下,遠端能連續追蹤可能的初期狀況,如呼吸、心率、咳嗽、翻身、離床、睡眠品質及各種生理活動,更不會產生電磁波的危害。而AI智慧照護系統在COVID-19疫情下,減少第一線醫護人員和風險病患接觸的機率,不僅節省醫療資源,也具體幫助照護人員減輕照護壓力。只要將2mm智慧光纖薄墊放在枕頭床單下,即可提供遠端24小時即時監控、異常通知、健康提示。即使沒有發燒 nFOPT®智慧照護系統在早期階段即可知道年長者與嬰兒可能身體異常,提早關心健康,降低風險。因此, 由APEC Best Award評審團評選為「第四次工業革命項目」,可預見nFOPT®創新技術將高度擾亂顛覆傳統照顧模式,將有深度與廣度的改變照顧系統的服務流程與牽動健康照護產業的變革。