Pandemic offers challenges and opportunities: New NTUH head疫情是危機也是轉機!台大院長吳明賢:「預防勝於治療」


Speaking to The China Post, Taiwan in an exclusive interview, Dr. Wu praised the way Taiwan authorities have handled the pandemic so far. At the same time, he thanked Taiwan public for cooperating with health authorities while wearing face masks, washing their hands and keeping proper social distances. In facing this unprecedented pandemic, Dr. Wu remarked that many have come to realize that “prevention is better than the cure.”

Against this backdrop, Dr. Wu noted that “the pandemic is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity.” To this end, he aims to further assist the NTUH in putting greater efforts in developing “smart healthcare,” “precision health” and “advanced medicine” for the years to come. 

The China Post於週六上任首日專訪吳院長,專訪中他強調台灣目前防疫相較於美國、巴西等國家相對優秀,民眾配合政策戴口罩、勤洗手、維持社交距離,經歷這場空前危機,人們更重視健康問題,也對「預防勝於治療」有更深的體驗。

吳院長表示,「這次新冠肺炎疫情是危機,也是轉機。」吳明賢院長週六接受The China Post獨家專訪時指出,未來台大將朝著三大面向努力,分別是「智慧醫療」、「精準健康」和「尖端醫療」。