HashCash's Blockchain Network to Curate COVID Patient Records Across the USA /美國利用區區塊鍊技術管理COVID-19病人病歷


Most medical institutions still use an independent structure to manage medical records. If a centralized database is used to store medical records and medical data, it is inconvenient to use across institutions and there is a risk of data leakage, which makes the diagnosis process complicated and time-consuming . The American company, HashCash, uses blockchain technology to manage COVID patient data, encrypt medical records with passwords to ensure information security and privacy, and obtain relevant data easily and quickly when needed. In the future, it will be extended to the entire medical record and patient management system.

大多數醫療機構仍然使用獨立的結構來管理病歷。 如果使用集中式資料庫來存儲病歷和醫療數據,則跨機構使用會很不方便,並且存在資料洩漏的風險,這會使診斷過程變得複雜且耗時。 美國公司HashCash使用區塊鏈技術來管理COVID病人資料,使用密碼對病歷進行加密,以確保資訊安全和隱私,並在需要時可輕鬆快捷地獲取相關資料。 將來,它將擴展到整個病歷和病人管理系統。

資料出處: yahoo finance PR Newswire