Building a wearable that can catch you when you stumble 打造一款預防跌倒穿戴裝置


One promising solution is an AI-based robotics system to predict and prevent falls.

“We research problems where robots need to apply physical force to humans to assist them — such as activities of daily life like dressing, feeding, walking, and bathing,” says C. Karen Liu, a Stanford associate professor of computer science. Specifically, Liu and her team seek to break new ground in robotic assistance by developing wearable robotic devices to aid in human locomotion.

AI的機器人系統可以幫助預測和預防跌倒,史丹福大學計算機科學副教授   C. Karen Liu表示研究機器人向人類施加物理力量以協助他們的問題,例如日常生活的活動,例如:穿衣,進食,散步和洗澡” C. Karen Liu和她的團隊通過開發可穿戴的機器人設備來幫助人類運動來尋求在機器人輔助方面的新突破。