Pandemic pushes telehealth technology into hospitals, homes


A nurse dressed in full-protective gear gently rolled the doctor into the hospital room of a recovering COVID patient. She literally rolled him into the room on a cart with a video monitor attached.Dr. Pushkar Kanade, a nephrologist, appeared on a screen the size of a large laptop computer. He conducted his rounds that morning while remaining socially distanced in an office elsewhere in the hospital.Dr. Pushkar Kanade does a remote consultation with patient Kami Krajewski at Great Plains Health. (Photo by Bill Kelly, NET News)

Dr. Kadian had access to a stethoscope and blood pressure sleeve used to check the woman's vitals. He had the readings on a screen in front of him.This is the process and equipment known as telehealth. By any measure, it became an essential segment of the medical profession's system for delivering patient care.It was a global trend.


資料出處: NET News Bill Kelly