Monash University project to enhance telehealth for mental health, palliative care services


Researchers at Monash University have received A$2 million ($1.4 million) funding from the federal government-backed Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre (DHCRC) for its Enhanced Telehealth Capabilities project. 

The research team will be collaborating with national public telehealth provider Healthdirect Australia, who will later make the forthcoming telehealth solutions available to clinics across Victoria via the Healthdirect Australia Video Call.

Working closely with patients, caregivers, and doctors, the researchers will be developing "user-centred and research-based" software solutions that will enhance telehealth capabilities, such as real-time transcription, integration of personal diagnostic data from medical devices, and accessibility for the elderly and Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

The Australian government is investing A$106 million ($76 million) over the next four years to make telehealth "permanent".