Can COPD Exacerbations Be Picked Up Early via a Weekly Medication Question Through a Smartphone Application?


Exacerbations affect the disease trajectory of patients with COPD and result in an acute drop of functional status and physical activity. Timely detection of exacerbations by non-medical healthcare professionals is needed to counteract this decline. The use of digital health applications in patient interaction allows embedded detection of exacerbations. However, it is unknown if this is an effective way to pick up exacerbations.

急性加重會影響 COPD 患者的疾病軌跡,並導致功能狀態和體力活動急劇下降。需要專業人員及時發現病情惡化,以延緩這種下降。在患者互動中應用資訊科技可以嵌入對惡化的檢測。然而,尚不清楚這是否是一種有效的緩解惡化的方法。