MIT, MGH create VR system to advance physical therapy at home


To better enable data-driven unsupervised rehabilitation for athletes in injury recovery, patients currently in physical therapy or those with physical limiting ailments, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and MGH researchers created a sensor-based wearable device and virtual reality platform, MuscleRehab.

The system calculates muscle engagement and visualizes it on a virtual muscle skeleton avatar. It uses an imaging technique called electrical impedance tomography that measures how the muscles are engaging with a VR headset and a tracking suit that allow patients to watch themselves performing alongside a physical therapist.

為了更好地為受傷恢復的運動員、目前正在接受物理治療的患者或患有身體限制性疾病的患者提供數據驅動的無監督康復,麻省理工學院計算機科學和人工智能實驗室和 MGH 研究人員創建了一個基於傳感器的可穿戴設備和虛擬現實平台 MuscleRehab。

該系統計算肌肉參與度並將其可視化在虛擬肌肉骨骼化身上。它使用一種稱為電阻抗斷層掃描的成像技術來測量肌肉如何與 VR 頭戴設備和追踪服結合,讓患者可以看到自己與物理治療師一起表演。