Health Tech Innovation: How to Advance Data Security To Support Healthcare Accessibility 健康技術創新:如何提高數據安全性以支持醫療保健的可及性


As with most industries, healthcare should consider adopting a zero-trust approach. This security measure can help decrease an organization's attack surface, create accurate response automation and prevent the compromise.

Healthcare’s digital modernization across patient, staff, doctors, and technologies is challenging security teams’ skills and capacity at a scale not seen in past.

In the U.S. in July of this year, there were 66 data breaches of 500 or more exposed records reported to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights. While the number of breaches was down slightly from June, the overall number is still above the monthly average of 57 for 2022.



今年 7 月,在美國, 衛生與公共服務部民權辦公室報告了 66 起 500 條或更多暴露記錄的數據洩露事件。 儘管違規次數較 6 月略有下降,但總體次數仍高於 2022 年 57 次的月平均值。