

The Organisation for the Review of Health and Care Apps (ORCHA) and researchers from the University of Warwick have recently released a report on reducing urgent care pressures with digital health.

Researchers found that digital health tools, if deployed in primary care, could make a substantial contribution to tackling NHS urgent care pressures, by keeping patients out of hospital in the first place. These avoided attendances could save the NHS around £553 million annually.

Published research shows that 90% of healthcare professionals believe technology could help their patients. There is massive interest, but clinicians are not necessarily aware which technologies they can trust, how to access them or how to govern any future risks.

健康和護理應用程序審查組織 (ORCHA) 和華威大學的研究人員最近發布了一份關於通過 數字健康減輕緊急護理壓力的報告。

研究人員發現,如果在初級保健中部署數字健康工具,可以通過首先讓患者遠離醫院,為解決 NHS 緊急護理壓力做出重大貢獻。這些避免的出勤可以每年為 NHS 節省大約 5.53 億英鎊。

此外已發表的研究 表明,90% 的醫療保健專業人員認為技術可以幫助他們的患者。人們對此很感興趣,但臨床醫生不一定知道他們可以信任哪些技術、如何訪問這些技術或如何管理任何未來的風險。

資料出處: Med-Tech Innovation