3D bioprinting in healthcare: This technology can eliminate the need for invasive surgeries


"Current 3D bioprinting techniques need the creation of biomaterials outside the body, and implanting those into a human would often require big open-field surgical surgery, which increases the risk of infection,"

Researchers are using 3D bioprinters to produce ear implants for children who were born with birth abnormalities, stem cell patches to treat babies' hearts, and cartilage for reconstructive rhinoplasty.

目前的 3D 生物打印技術需要在體外製造生物材料,而將這些材料植入人體通常需要進行大型開放式外科手術,這會增加感染的風險

澳大利亞研究人員發明了一種蛇形軟機器人,旨在從患者體內 3D 列印活細胞。據 Freethink 報導,這一發展可能很快就消除了移植 3D 打印組織和治療的侵入性手術的需要。