How Is The Medical Wearable Landscape Evolving With Advanced Tech?


Conventional medical devices have revolutionized patient diagnostics and treatments and improved quality of life across a staggering breadth of applications. Applying software techniques, including data science, machine learning (ML), and general artificial intelligence (AI), has many ethical and regulatory dimensions. However, the future is heading rapidly toward a point where these techniques are driving a new wave of innovation and positive health impacts.

Wearable technology is advancing at a rapid pace and with this advancement comes the opportunity to capture a very different kind of continuous health data than that recorded in a hospital setting. How do we combine incredible new sensing technologies with robust software to take full advantage of the opportunity for intelligent, safe personal health monitoring?

傳統醫療設備已經徹底改變了患者的診斷和治療方法,並通過驚人的應用範圍提高了生活質量。應用軟件技術,包括數據科學、機器學習 (ML) 和通用人工智能 (AI),涉及許多倫理和監管方面。然而,未來正在迅速走向這樣一個時刻,即這些技術正在推動新一輪的創新浪潮和積極的健康影響。
