Cigniti Wins "Best IoT Healthcare Platform" in the 2023 MedTech Breakthrough Awards Program Cigniti 在 2023 年 MedTech 突破獎計劃中榮獲“最佳物聯網醫療保健平台”


Cigniti Technologies, today announced that its Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Digital Quality Engineering Automation framework has won the "Best IoT Healthcare Platform" award in the 7th annual MedTech Breakthrough Awards program. The award program conducted by MedTech Breakthrough, an independent market intelligence organization, recognizes the global health and medical technology market's top companies, technologies, and products.

Cigniti's Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Digital Quality Engineering Automation framework ensures wearables can predict and customize required medicine intake and deliver with precision while adhering to USFDA regulations. The Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) platform is wholly automated with minimal/no human intervention and capable of performing negative testing to ensure that the wearable delivers the intended results.

Cigniti Technologies今天宣布,其醫療物聯網 (IoMT) 數字質量工程自動化框架已經在第七屆年度醫療技術突破獎評選中榮獲“最佳物聯網醫療平台”獎。該獎項由獨立市場情報組織MedTech Breakthrough實施,旨在表彰全球健康和醫療技術市場的頂級公司、技術和產品。

Cigniti 的醫療物聯網 (IoMT) 數字質量工程自動化框架可確保可穿戴設備能夠預測和定制所需的藥物攝入量,並在遵守 USFDA 法規的同時精確地提供藥物。作為醫療設備的軟件 (SaMD) 平台是完全自動化的,最少/無需人工干預,並且能夠執行負面測試以確保可穿戴設備提供預期結果。

資料出處: yahoo! finance