IoMT is oriented toward personalized care with patient confidentiality


Emerging technology like AI-powered wearables will enable people to monitor their wellbeing and create a shift from hospital to home-based care through telehealth. Moreover, machine learning (ML) will be used to leverage large data sets through predictive analytics. In tandem, healthcare informatics will also help health institutions connect various sites of care and free data from silos to generate valuable insights, said Shenvi.

While IoMT offers immense potential, there are a few key challenges that need to be addressed. To begin with, IoMT devices are often made by different manufacturers and use different communication protocols, thus ensuring interoperability for a cohesive healthcare system can be an issue. These devices collect and transmit sensitive patient data, therefore, security and privacy concerns have to be taken care of. The IoMT systems can be expensive to purchase and maintain, posing a barrier for some healthcare organizations, Shenvi noted.