Telehealth in the Time of COVID-19: A 20-Year Overnight Success 遠距醫療因COVID-19成功


Despite 20 years of real-life experience and growing popularity, telehealth and telemedicine (which is usually defined as clinical interactions) still aren't as widely used as might be expected. That's changing, as the COVID-19 pandemic has wrought changes in everything from routine care to triage. Between erratic supplies of protective equipment for practitioners and patients who don’t want to risk their health, telemedicine is proving a boon. 

One thing that comes out of the COVID-19 pandemic will be an increased reliance on telemedicine.

儘管有20年的經驗且日益普及,但遠距醫療仍沒有像預期的那樣廣泛使用。 這種情況正在發生變化,因為COVID-19大流行已經改變了從常規照護到所有方面。在為照護者提供不穩定的防護設備以及不願冒著健康危險的患者之間,遠距醫療證明是個福音。因COVID-19大流行,對遠程醫療的依賴性開始增加。