Temp Pal smart thermometer helps reduce COVID-19 spread in hospitals/ Temp Pal智能體溫計有助於減少COVID-19在醫院中的傳播


Taiwan-founded healthcare wearable device company iWEECARE announced that its flagship product, Temp Pal, has been in use to help combat COVID-19 spread in hospitals and self-quarantine. The cloud-based continuous temperature monitoring system can lower the risk of infections and prevents the overwhelming of health systems by reducing physical contact between caregivers and patients.

成立於台灣的醫療可穿戴設備公司iWEECARE宣布其旗艦產品Temp Pal已被用於幫助抵抗COVID-19在醫院和自我隔離中的傳播。基於雲的連續溫度監控系統可通過減少護理人員與患者之間的身體接觸來降低感染風險並防止衛生系統不堪重負。

資料出處: mobihealthnews Dean Koh