Artificial Intelligence Enables Rapid COVID-19 Lung Imaging Analysis at UC San Diego Health


With support from Amazon Web Services, health care providers are using AI in a clinical research study aimed at speeding the detection of pneumonia, a condition associated with severe COVID-19

The new AI capability has so far provided UC San Diego Health physicians with unique insights into more than 2,000 images. In one case, a patient in the Emergency Department who did not have any symptoms of COVID-19 underwent a chest X-ray for other reasons. Yet the AI readout of the X-ray indicated signs of early pneumonia, which was later confirmed by a radiologist. As a result, the patient was tested for COVID-19 and found to be positive for the illness.

“We would not have had reason to treat that patient as a suspected COVID-19 case or test for it, if it weren’t for the AI,” said Christopher Longhurst, MD, chief information officer and associate chief medical officer for UC San Diego Health. “While still investigational, the system is already affecting clinical management of patients.”

在Amazon Web Services的支持下,醫療保健提供商正在AI應用於一項臨床研究,旨在加快肺炎的檢測,這是與嚴重COVID-19相關的疾病

到目前為止,新的AI功能為UC San Diego Health醫師提供了對2000多個圖像的獨特見解。在一個案例中,急診科的一名沒有COVID-19症狀的患者因其他原因接受了胸部X光檢查。然而,AI對X射線的讀數顯示出了早期肺炎的徵兆,後來被放射科醫生證實。結果,對該患者進行了COVID-19測試,發現該病呈陽性。

加州大學聖地亞哥分校的首席信息官兼副 首席醫學官克里斯托弗·朗赫斯特(MD)迭戈健康。“儘管仍在研究中,但該系統已經在影響患者的臨床管理。”