Smart Support in Response to COVID-19/ 因應疫情的智慧化支援


Smart labels and packaging are safely supporting healthcare products for patients and professionals, thereby saving lives. Near Field Communication (NFC)- provides the security required to help fight the spread of COVID-19, while at the same time giving scientists, medical personnel and patients the ability to interact with products to they can verify authenticity, check expiration dates and obtain useful information regarding the coronavirus's nature...more

智慧標籤和包裝可為病人和專業人員安全地提供資訊,從而挽救生命。 NFC提供幫助應對COVID-19傳播所需的安全性,同時使科學家,醫務人員和病人能夠與產品進行說明溝通,檢查失效日期並獲得有關冠狀病毒性質的有用訊息...