Hospitals should prepare now for future telehealth demands/ 醫院應為將來的遠距醫療需求做好準備


Telehealth is ideally suited to meet the demands of inpatient care while at the same time reducing virus transmission, stretching human and technical resources, and protecting patients and healthcare workers in the inpatient care setting. Specifically, health systems should work to create a strong, sustainable telehealth infrastructure now that will allow for more efficient use of hospital space and staff....more

遠距醫療非常適合同時滿足住院照護及減少病毒傳播的需求,在住院中保護病人和醫護人員。 衛生系統現在應該努力創建一個強大的,可持續的遠距醫療基礎設施,從而可以更有效地利用醫院的空間和人員...