Cloud-based telehealth, linked with Epic EHR, helps one hospital scale up virtual care 使用雲端運算界接電子病歷協助醫院擴展遠端護理


Patient visitation restrictions brought on by the pandemic prevented families from being with their newborns in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. It kept COVID patients in isolation. The health system needed a new mechanism to help these patients engage with loved ones. It needed a means to connect its physician network with non-emergent patients at home. It also needed an alternative avenue to support behavioral health and emergency department patients without putting clinician or individual health further at risk.


The combination helped the Florida-based Lee Health ramp up to tens of thousands of telemedicine visits per month as it dealt with the constraints of the coronavirus pandemic.

該組合幫助位於佛羅里達州的Lee Health處理了冠狀病毒大流行的限制,每月增加了數以萬計的遠程醫療就診。