
Smart Baby Safety and Health Tracking Management System

Huijia Health Life Technology Co., Ltd.

"The newborn safety and health tracking system is based on the patented core technology of the company: Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology (nFOPT. Its application is able to achieve the high level of safety without wearing any devices and without any electromagnetic waves. It is able to provide 24-hour management of safety condition of multiple babies at the mother-baby friendly room-in simultaneously in real time and to track their health reference information in order to achieve a smart caring system capable of reducing mother-baby nurser y risks. The system includes: system host machine (installed inside the nurser y station), UBabyCare smart baby mat (respirator y activity monitoring mat) smart phone app (nursing personnel and mother).

Innovative characteristics include:
1. Safety care: adopting the free-electromagnetic wave principle, no lead wire to prevent circuit burning for 100% safety.
2. Comfort care: Safety and health monitoring without wearing any devices
3. Automatic patrol and active warning: Transferred from passive patrol care to active and automatic warning notification.
4. Health information and sleeping activity analysis: Provide information to nursing personnel and physicians for reference.
5. Month-baby nursery room report automatic output. "

"The active promotion polices for the mother friendly room-in achieves great outcome and reputation; however, it also faces the following problems:
1. Due to the insufficient first line of manpower, the room-in creates stress with the nursing personnel
2. If the room-in system is executed compulsory, it can also stress and repulsion of the mother such that she may not gain sufficient rest and the quantity of breast milk be low for baby feeding.
3. A lot of symptoms of newborns are not obvious, and according to the statistics, 70% of baby accidents occur during room-in
4. Room-in report is not recorded properly with the actual baby in and out of the nursery room, or there is a need for dedicated personnel to perform statistics.

5. Once newborns have abnormalities, disputes may occur, and there is no continuous physiological activity information of the baby available for reference. Benefits of the introduction of this system:
For institutions: The risks of newborns during the mother friendly room-in can be reduced.
For nurses: The stress of nursing personnel due to long-term tension can be reduced.
For mothers: The stress of mothers due to room-in can be reduced and mothers can obtain greater period of rest.
For babies: The risk of newborns can be reduced through warnings.
Smart informationization: Room-in accreditation form information is generated automatically in order to simplify the process and the complicated calculation and form completion work. "

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