智慧IV幫浦能能讓病患得到更好的照顧嗎? Smart pumps: a pathway to better care?


fter the COVID-19 crisis, many hospitals – both private and public – are seeking ways to streamline their provision of healthcare to minimise waiting times and reduce disruption. As we move away from lockdown and into the next phase of the pandemic, it is vital that the NHS can get elective care operations back up and running to prevent unnecessary deaths and significant financial losses.

Currently, patient safety incidents cost the NHS an estimated £2 billion a year in extra bed days. In addition, hospital-acquired infections add a further £1 billion to these costs. So, what measures can healthcare providers like the NHS take to reduce such incidents?

One example would be to facilitate the widespread use of smart pumps. Unlike regular infusion pumps, smart pumps are embedded with software aimed at reducing drug dosing errors through the presence and use of something known as a ‘drug library’

