How Can Robots Do Wonders in Orthopedics?


Based on a research report, the global medical robotics market was valued at $7.24 billion in 2015 and is anticipated to rise to $20 billion by 2023. These robots are being designed to fit a wide diversity of roles in the medical environment. These include robots that offer therapeutic, surgical and even industrial aid to developing medical equipment that delivers flawless outcomes.

In the contemporary scenario, where safety and sterility in the preparation and delivery of medical supplies and equipment is a chief concern as robots are the way that leads to the future of health and MedTech.

Here are some ways of robot adoption to deliver the highest value possible.

Femur Finishing With Robot

The Femur or thigh bone is the longest and sturdiest bone in the human body. In the field of orthopedics, the adoption of robots facilitates enormously high precision. These robots are also 2.5 min/piece rate faster than their human counterparts.

The supreme accuracy of robots in the surface finishing results in a 40 percent reduction in rework requirements. Simultaneously, robots do not make any sound or air pollution or waste that makes them the perfect workers. Experts supervise these robots to ensure that they satisfy their roles and follow the correct processes.

Source: MedTech MedTech