AI has the potential to transform how healthcare is delivered AI 有可能改變醫療保健的提供方式


The leading areas of AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning) applications in healthcare include diagnosis and treatment recommendations, patient engagement and adherence, and also administrative activities. There are many instances where AI applications can perform healthcare tasks as well as or better than humans.

AI has the potential to transform how healthcare is delivered. It can support improvements in care outcomes, patient experience, and access to healthcare services. It can increase productivity and the efficiency of care delivery and allow healthcare systems to provide more and better care to more people. AI can improve the experience of healthcare practitioners, enabling them to spend more time in direct patient care and reducing burnout. The start-ups that are trying to address these issues may fare better in the market.

醫療保健領域 AI/ML(人工智能/機器學習)應用的主要領域包括診斷和治療建議、患者參與和依從性以及管理活動。在許多情況下,AI 應用程序可以與人類一樣好或更好地執行醫療保健任務。

人工智能有可能改變醫療保健的提供方式。它可以支持改善護理結果、患者體驗和獲得醫療服務的機會。它可以提高生產力和醫療服務的效率,並允許醫療保健系統為更多人提供更多更好的醫療服務。AI 可以改善醫療保健從業者的體驗,使他們能夠將更多時間花在直接患者護理上並減少職業倦怠。試圖解決這些問題的初創企業可能在市場上表現更好。