數字健康初創公司 Nabla 推出 Copilot,使用 GPT-3 將患者對話轉化為行動


Healthcare seems like a prime area to be infused with AI: clinicians are oversubscribed with patients and burned out; globally we are facing a chronic shortage of doctors partly as a result of so many leaving the profession, and partly because of the work demanded of them. On top of seeing patients, they have to dedicate time to being administrators, with a lot of very specific and formal pieces of documentation to get through to record appointment data and plan what comes next demanded both by rules and regulations, but also patients themselves. Alongside all this, there are sometimes unfortunately instances of human error.

Now, Nabla, the digital health startup out of Paris co-founded by AI entrepreneur Alexandre Lebrun, claims to be the first to build a tool using GPT-3 to help physicians do their work — more specifically, their paperwork.Following along as doctors see patients, Copilot automatically translates those conversations into different document-based endpoints — eg, prescriptions, follow up appointment letters, consultation summaries — that typically result from those meetings. It’s based around GPT-3, the language model built by OpenAI that is used to generate human text, which is powering hundreds of applications, including ChatGPT from OpenAI itself.

在許多方面,醫療保健似乎是注入 AI 的主要領域:臨床醫生因患者過多而筋疲力盡;在全球範圍內,我們面臨著長期的醫生短缺問題,部分原因是許多人離開了這個行業,部分原因是他們需要從事的工作。除了看病人之外,他們還必須花時間做管理員,需要處理許多非常具體和正式的文件,以記錄預約數據併計劃接下來的規章制度和患者自己的要求。除此之外,不幸的是,有時還會出現人為錯誤的情況。

由 AI 企業家 Alexandre Lebrun 共同創立的巴黎數字健康初創公司 Nabla 聲稱是第一個使用 GPT-3 構建工具Copilot來幫助醫生完成文書工作的工具。隨著醫生看病人,Copilot 會自動將這些對話翻譯成不同的基於文檔的端點——例如,處方、預約信、諮詢摘要——這些通常來自這些會議。它基於GPT-3,這是由 OpenAI 構建的用於生成人類文本的語言模型,它為數百個應用程序提供支持,包括 OpenAI 本身的 ChatGPT。