Virtual or in person: Which kind of doctor’s visit is better, and when it matters


“It was a dramatic shift in one or two weeks that we would expect to happen in a decade,” said Dr. Ateev Mehrotra, a professor at Harvard Medical School whose research focuses on telemedicine and other health care delivery innovations. “It’s great that we served patients, but we did not accumulate the norms and [research] papers that we would normally accumulate so that we can know what works and what doesn’t work.”Now, three years after the start of the pandemic, we’re still figuring that out. Although telehealth use has moderated, it has found a role in many physician practices, and it is popular with patients.

在大流行的最初幾個月,遠程醫療訪問激增。哈佛醫學院教授 Ateev Mehrotra 博士說:“這是我們預計在 10 年內會在一兩週內發生的巨大轉變,”他的研究重點是遠程醫療和其他醫療保健提供創新。“我們為患者服務很棒,但我們沒有積累我們通常會積累的規範和 [研究] 論文,以便我們知道什麼有效,什麼無效。”現在,在大流行開始三年後,我們仍在弄清楚這一點。儘管遠程醫療的使用有所緩和,但它在許多醫生實踐中發揮了作用,並且很受患者歡迎。