India Has Taken A Quantum Leap In Leveraging Digital Health Solutions: Mandaviya



India has taken a quantum leap towards leveraging digital health solutions for effective health service delivery.

"In the maternal and child health domain, India has created name-based database of 200 million-plus eligible couples, 140 million pregnant women and 120 million children, who are being monitored for ante-natal, post-natal and immunization related health services. 

"Another key example is the NIKSHAY intervention under the National TB Elimination Programme, through which more than 11 million patients are tracked for adherence to TB treatment,"


“在孕產婦和兒童健康領域,印度創建了基於姓名的數據庫,其中包含 2 億多符合條件的夫婦、1.4 億孕婦和 1.2 億兒童,他們正在接受產前、產後和免疫相關健康服務的監測. 

“另一個重要的例子是國家結核病消除計劃下的 NIKSHAY 干預,通過該計劃跟踪了超過 1100 萬患者對結核病治療的依從性

Source: outlookindia