HealthBook+ Introduces Care Platform Featuring Digital Human, Seréa, and Instant Health Checks for Personalized Health Guidance


HealthBook+, the digital-first early identification and guidance platform that allows individuals to own their health, today introduced its first generally available offering featuring the Seréa digital human interface and an AI-powered Instant Health Check facility. 

HealthBook+ empowers individuals to take appropriate health actions based on a holistic analysis of their confidential health and related information, sourced from their provider-based electronic health records, health plan claims data, personal wearable health trackers and other connected devices, Social Determinant of Health profiles and via self-reporting. Proprietary predictive analytics and AI models are applied to identify potential conditions early on. Next best health actions are then presented to the individual along with options for them to easily connect with their healthcare providers.   

HealthBook+ 是數字優先的早期識別和指導平台,允許個人擁有自己的健康,今天推出了其首個普遍可用的產品,該產品具有 Seréa 數字人機界面和人工智能支持的即時健康檢查設施。 

HealthBook+ 使個人能夠根據對他們的機密健康和相關信息的整體分析採取適當的健康行動,這些信息來自他們基於提供者的電子健康記錄、健康計劃索賠數據、個人可穿戴健康追踪器和其他連接設備、健康概況的社會決定因素並通過自我報告。應用專有的預測分析和人工智能模型來儘早識別潛在條件。然後將下一個最佳健康行動連同選項一起呈現給個人,以便他們輕鬆地與他們的醫療保健提供者聯繫。