消毒機器人有效嗎? Is the disinfection robot effective?


獨立科學家尼古拉斯·菲茨基Nicholas Fitzkee)說:“我們的醫療體系面臨的問題之一是醫院相關的感染。” 他補充說,感染“每年造成數千人的生命和數十億美元的損失”。顯然,醫院和其他設施需要更強大,更高效的設備,以幫助消除在應該只是恢復的庇護所的地方生病的風險。

“One of the problems facing our healthcare system is hospital-associated infections,” says Nicholas Fitzkee, an independent scientist of the paper. Infections cost “thousands of lives and billions of dollars annually”, he adds.

It is clear, hospitals and other facilities are in need of more powerful and more efficient devices to help eliminate the risk of getting sick in a place that should be a sanctuary of nothing but recovery.



實際上,紫外線消毒機器人IPT 3200可以在5分鐘內顯著減少微生物種群。但是將處理時間增加到10分鐘可以消除幾乎所有生物體-據稱市場上沒有其他紫外線機器人可以斷言。

“一項為期六個月的全院研究表明,使用IPT 3200紫外線機器人和經過專門培訓的消毒團隊,與醫療保健相關的感染率下降了34%。

UV-Disinfection robot technologies are well underway and are already helping to reduce healthcare-associated infections (HAI).

iPT has already field tested their lineup of UV robots and determined through independent studies and research of their own that the robots are significantly more efficient at sanitizing entire rooms, especially on door handles and shadow areas.

In action, the UV-Disinfection Robot IPT 3200 can significantly reduce populations of microbes in under five minutes. But boosting treatment times to 10 minutes yields virtual elimination of all organisms - an alleged claim no other UV robot on the market can assert.

“A 6-month, hospital-wide study showed a 34% drop in the incidence of healthcare associated infections with the use of the IPT 3200 UV robot and specially trained disinfection teams.”