Telehealth Experiences and Preferences Among Californians with Low Incomes低收入加州人的遠程醫療體驗和偏好


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, telehealth has become an important part of the health care delivery system, driven by the need for reduced in-person contact, by changes to reimbursement, and by patient preference. As telehealth’s role in health care grows, it is important to ensure that all Californians have equal access to and satisfactory experiences with telehealth.

To better understand the telehealth experiences of Californians with low incomes, the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) engaged NORC at the University of Chicago to recruit and interview Californians with low incomes who reflect the diversity of the state. From July to November 2022, NORC interviewed 73 Californians with low incomes who had received a telehealth visit in the last year.

自 2020 年 COVID-19 大流行開始以來,遠程醫療已成為醫療保健服務系統的重要組成部分,其驅動因素包括減少面對面接觸的需求、報銷方式的變化以及患者的偏好。隨著遠程醫療在醫療保健中的作用越來越大,重要的是要確保所有加州人都能平等地獲得遠程醫療並獲得滿意的體驗。

為了更好地了解低收入加州人的遠程醫療體驗,加州醫療保健基金會 (CHCF) 聘請芝加哥大學的 NORC 招募和採訪反映該州多樣性的低收入加州人。從 2022 年 7 月到 11 月,NORC 採訪了去年接受過遠程醫療訪問的 73 名低收入加利福尼亞人。