Healthcare facilities are deploying intelligent video surveillance solutions to help improve overall efficiency


Video surveillance technology has emerged as a practical and effective solution for helping healthcare facilities achieve a balance of quality patient care, safety and overall operational efficiency.
The surveillance can be used to monitor patients and employee activities, to gather insights that can improve patient care and to resolve incidents quickly and effectively.
Healthcare facilities are not simply installing more cameras but deploying cameras with diverse features and capabilities. The hospitals are using artificial intelligence (AI) combined with video analytics to shift their security and surveillance approach from reactive to proactive.When an incident occurs, locating a person of interest can take a matter of minutes, bypassing having to review hundreds of camera streams.When an incident occurs, staff can enter their search attributes such as “a male in a red shirt and blue pants, between 2:00 and 2:30 am” and get “quick hits” on people or objects that match those parameters in minutes.
In furture, Healthcare facilities need the right surveillance system that delivers more capabilities beyond ensuring security.