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BR FHUS Viewer

Ti-LUNG Decision Support “太豪生醫” 肺部電腦斷層決策支援系統

TaiHao Medical Inc

TaiHao Medical designs and develops AI medical software to help healthcare providers manage the increasing workloads. We focus on breast screening & diagnostic solutions by utilizing ultrasound, and LDCT AI solutions for lung disease.

We have received US FDA, Japan's PMDA, Taiwan's TFDA, Korea's MFDS, China's NMPA, and more than 10 patent licenses. We not only advocate our products to the world, integrate with AI marketplace, but also cooperate with government's screening program, women breast centers, mammography clinics, insurance companies and ultrasound machine manufacturers. 

“Early Detection, Early Treatment, Most Lives Saved” is TaiHao Medical's Value Proposition. We aim to be one of the most successful AI Medical companies worldwide. Welcome to follow our Linkedin and notice our continuous milestone, the latest news, and employees' life in TaiHao Medical.

Main Services

Our leading products include:
1. BR-FHUSTM Smart System (Hand-Held Ultrasound): AI for ultrasound breast screening
2. BR-ViewerTM for ABUS
3. BU-CADTM Decision Support: AI for ultrasound breast cancer diagnosis
4. Ti–LUNGTM Decision Support: AI for LDCT lung cancer screening & diagnosis

Leading technology & expertise include:
1. Real-Time AI detects suspicious areas in Ultrasound images
2. Advisory Board include scientists & physicians in Taiwan, Japan, China, Hong Kong and USA