AI-assisted diagnosis system utilizing plain X-rays for precision diagnosis and automated monitoring of osteoarthritis, the most prevalent chronic bone disease (FDA and T-FDA approved). Comprehensively upgrade the X-ray modalities in clinics/hospitals to smart X-ray modalities that can assist in the diagnosis of osteoarthritis. It only takes 1 minute from X-ray to osteoporosis AI report.

The osteoarthritis grading is based on the principles of international standards OARSI and KL Grade. The degree of joint space narrowing along with markup images, including osteophytes and sclerosis, are also provided to help clinicians better interpret AI results and communicate with patients.

Compared with traditional osteoarthritis diagnosis, DeepXray™ Genu has the following advantages:

  • Visual displays the easy-to-interpret annotation
  • Provide objective and quantitative diagnosis
  • It can improve the diagnostic ability of non-orthopedic or junior doctors in osteoarthritis.

National/International Medical Device Legal Permit No.

US FDA No. K223621
Taiwan FDA No. 007907
Vietnam 240000568/PCBB-HCM

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